Research Ethics Review System (log in here)
The System is in Japanese. Please contact your laboratory’s EC (Ethics Consultant: rinsho-rinri-shidoin)

Research Ethics Committee

The Research Ethics Committee conducts scientific and ethical reviews of research in accordance with the Ethical Guidelines for Clinical Research and Ethical Guidelines for Epidemiological Research (issued by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology).

Application Process

*The average time from reception to approval is around 1.5 months.

Use of Online System

All applications are to be conducted using the online Research Ethics Review System. You must first register to use the system.

If you do not know if you are registered, check with your laboratory’s Clinical Ethics Consultant (CEC).

If you have not registered, ask your laboratory’s CEC to register you.
User Information Registered:
 1) Name
 2) Furigana
 3) Email address (becomes your ID)
 4) Affiliation,
 5) Position
 6) Extension (ph.)
 7) Whether attended ethics seminar
If your ethics seminar status has expired or you have not attended the seminar, please do so.

If you have already registered, applications are available through the online system.
        =>Research Ethics Review Application System Site

<New applications>
1. Prepare the application form on the online system
2. Submit the Confirmation Form for Research Review Applications (paper form)
    (Download and send via university mail)
3. Submit the Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Form (paper form)
    (Download and send via university mail)

* You must submit Forms 2 and 3 above before you can consult with the Ethics Research Committee. Prepare everything up to Format Check Ends.
* If Item 2 of Form 3 above is applicable, you must submit for all members involved in research at the Graduate School of Medicine and the University of Tokyo Hospital.

<Applications for Changes>
Promptly submit when there are changes in researchers, research facilities or research institutions or partial changes in research methods.

<Status Reports>
Status reports are conducted once a year around August. Requests for them are sent by email to the applicant.

<Research Concluded Notifications>
Promptly submit when the research approved by the Research Ethics Committee has been concluded.

<Adverse Event Reports>
If you (the applicant) become aware of a serious adverse event or incident, etc., promptly contact the Office for Research Ethics Support (ethics@m.u-tokyo.ac.jp). After details are confirmed, you will be asked to submit a report on the online system.

*These applications forms can be prepared by communications staff until they are temporarily saved.

Office for Research Ethics Support
Ext. 20818
e-mail: ethics@m.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Website: http://www.m.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ethics/ethcom/index_en.html
Graduate School of Medicine, Building No. 2, Rooms S101, S102